Title: THE WYRMSINGERother names: Aldebaran, Malphogor, Zauberkugel, Sevyein Valtrude, Trilineus DredgenRace: Royal StarGender: MaleAffiliation: The Wayward Lords, Primal CreationOccupation: Seat of Tascheter; Watcher of the East, Azure Dragon(Alternative)

The Wyrmsinger is an amalgamation of two souls; one, Aldebaran, who is a Royal Star who served as a Wayward Lord pertaining to the Seat of Tascheter governing the Eastern Path in service of Primal Creation, and one, Malphogor, who is a being spawned from an Archdemon and Archangel during the times of The Old Testament. The former hailed from another plane of existence, while the latter was of the one that we all came to know.Although unified under the conscious of an individual being, he is still aware of what and who he was, with both lives remaining clear like memories personal to him. As for his name, he had decided to the go by the title Wyrmsinger, relative to Aldebaran's familiar; the Wyrm, abandoning other names that originated from either lives.

The Wayward Lords consisted of four members; Aldebaran of the East, Regulus of the North, Antares of the West, and Fomalhaut of the South. The four are the overseers of the Paths relative to them, and they are also the defenders and emissaries of Primal Creation.Paths are like continuums of space-time, and they are four as well; The Eastern Path, The Northern Path, The Western Path, and The Southern Path. Each Paths are drastically different, and yet all are highly curated to the point that each race of their Paths are all qualified to be progenitor races in their own rights.Primal Creation is the genesis of all things, it burns at the center of reality, a smoldering crucible of endless energy called Ather that served as the essence of and for everything. But it is said Primal Creation creates without care, that it weaves things into existence without any regard of the consequences, be it good or bad. And so it falls to The Wayward Lords to filter the creations that are to be released into their respective Paths.With each Wayward Lord were accompanied with a familiar, powerful beings manifested directly from Primal Creation, and existed as equals to the Lords. They served as a counterweight to the Lords' minds and opinions, and through this balance were they able to properly secure each of their Paths to their highest glory.These familiars are; Fastitocalon of the North, Wyrm of the East, Roc of the South, and Byakko of the West.

The world of Primal Creation existed in total peace and tranquility, there were no need for armies or weapons for there was no conflict, and each civilization living in each Path lived to only better themselves. And without the assistances from any of the Wayward Lords or familiars, each civilization had invented means of traversing to other space-time continuums, creating a network. With this the world of Primal Creation became a reality to be reckoned with.Alas, all that is well must come to an end, for it was when the world of Primal Creation was greeted by the Encroaching Darkness, a voracious multiversal force threatening to engulf all creation. The Encroaching Darkness approached from the west of Primal Creation, and immediately Antares recognized the protocols that must be taken. Upon her lead, she instructed that she and both Regulus and Fomalhaut, along with their familiars, save for Wyrm, to band together and form an eternal wall to restrain the Encroaching Darkness from going any further, meanwhile Aldebaran was to absorb all the Paths, including Primal Creation, and flee to another reality.For the Encroaching Darkness was a danger the Wayward Lords had been anticipating, and they had long been prepared to retaliate, and hence their unwavering resolve when announcing their intentions to sacrifice themselves. However, Aldebaran grieved at their preparedness, even his own, knowing well that this meant losing his fellow Lords and their perfect world all together, forever. But he persisted, and with all the Paths and Primal Creation within him, he fled the reality.Fastitocalon, Byakko, and Roc turned into a great wall of Ather facing west, spanning endlessly towards both north and south, while Regulus, Antares, and Fomalhaut entered deep slumber to maintain the integrity of the wall while Aldebaran's familiar, Wyrm, remained behind the walls to keep vigil.Bearing tremendous grief and frustration, he tormented himself with the thought of having been the one to leave, had it been any of the sides but the west, he would have been honored to sacrifice himself along with the others.And so upon this moment, Aldebaran swore to find another reality, and that he may lead the Encroaching Darkness away and to it, and return to the perfect world of Primal Creation.A world for another world.

Malphogor is an illegitimate child of an Archdemon father and an Archangel mother during the days of the Old Testament, and in order to keep their child safe, they hid him away from Heaven and Hell by entrusting him to the care of a friend, who was an immortal wizard named Yordilfern Dredgen. It was then Malphogor's name was changed into Trilineus Dredgen. Under the care of the wizard did Malphogor grew, and when he was of age Yordilfern decided to reveal to him that he was in fact the son of Heaven and Hell, and to his surprise, Malphogor knew all this time ever since he was an infant.With the wizard, Malphogor lived amongst humans, and eventually he developed an envy towards human life. He was envious of their mundanity, and how fleeting their time was in the mortal realm, leaving them little time to ponder grand schemes and only live in the moment. In that, he found the beauty of life and death.However, demons and angels, heaven-kin and hell-kin, all swarmed towards his presence. Now that he was fully grown, his powers had grown in proportion and attracted all manners of beings. Despite shunning any sort of contact with said beings, some were less unforgiving. Yet even so, all of them were singing the same tune; 'Seize your destiny.'The incessance eventually drove Malphogor to a breaking point that made him, for the first time, utilize his powers which immediately garnered the attention of both God and Satan. With the eyes of Heaven and Hell on him, he demanded that he be left alone, and that he desires naught to do with either the Sphere of Angels nor the Infernal Circle whom are so keen on employing Malphogor to their ranks. And with his display of power that was so great, all hearkened to his desire and left him alone.As time passed into the modern era, Malphogor had long left Yordilfern, pursuing a new life under another new alias; Sevyein Valtrude. But if he desires to truly fit in and live as humans do, he had to confine himself to their limitations, save for his immortality. He needed a job.However, instead of being employed to a normal job, he was approached by an anomalous individual who introduced himself as Baphamiel, which sounded like a name of a member of the Sphere of Angels, but to Malphogor's surprise he was not. Baphamiel explained that he was apart of the Fangs Of Eden, an organization with the interest of ensuring the continuity of mankind and existence itself, and he wishes to extend an invitation to Malphogor for he exhibits qualifying traits to become a member, as the organization itself was largely ran by preternatural beings, not unlike himself. Seeing that this was a perfect opportunity to secure an income, he hastily accepted.And ever since, Malphogor operated as a field agent for Fangs Of Eden, often being deployed on missions that required him to hunt down, investigate, and neutralize anomalies. Though during his missions, he had limited himself to the usage of conventional weaponry, and will only engage in his otherworldly powers should the need arise. With the veritable amount of income he was receiving, he bought himself a nice house in Australia, and thus succeeding in having a semblance of normalcy in his life by living off hard earned-money, like humans do.

The world had plummeted into endless strife, irreversible damage rendered and a multitude of lives were lost. It had been months ever since abnormalities began occurring, and all were more devastating than the last. As for the efforts of the Fangs Of Eden, they best they could do was to mitigate the chaos wrought upon by these incursions.In total, there were thirteen incursions, and in that span of time, governments fell, countries were eradicated, the whole world was in ruin. The only organization that stood to protect humanity was the Fangs Of Eden themselves, whom were best suited for the job, were instead found wanting. Each mission to mitigate the incursions, albeit successful, costed than too much of manpower and resources. They knew this cannot last forever.And then happened the fateful thirteenth incursion.The abnormality manifested as a dense black sphere in the depths of the Mariana Trench. Upon it's appearance, the surrounding area was instantly atomized, forming a large crater in the ocean where water poured in and began mixing with the magma that had came oozing from the ground. And then it went silent, still in it's place. As soon as the Fangs Of Eden had detected it's inception, they immediately dispatched Malphogor to the incursion site, and for once he was not relying on conventional weaponry.He was then ordered to be on standby as he hovered a few kilometers away from the sphere while the tactical team back at the headquarters plotted their next course of action. However, to the dread of Malphogor, he was instructed to approach the sphere, and considering that he has a virtually indestructible body being accounted from his past missions, they were keen on taking the gamble. He would offer resistance, but knowing their circumstances, they had little choice left. Bearing his grit and conviction, Malphogor dashed towards the sphere, and to everyone's relief, he indeed was not atomized. But as soon as he was close enough, he was sucked into the sphere, losing contact with the Fangs Of Eden.On the other side of the sphere, Malphogor was transported to a completely different dimension, suspended in a dark void where he maneuver himself in zero-gravity. It in was there he encountered another being, Aldebaran. He revealed to Malphogor that he had been waiting for this, carefully sowing each incursion with attention so that it may lead them to this moment. Malphogor questioned his motives, but Aldebaran responded with a convincing; 'I simply enjoy watching things fall into ruin', accompanied with a detestable sneer.They both wasted no time and swiftly engaged in battle, one of great proportions as Malphogor, and to Aldebaran's amusement, unleashed his full potential knowing that there would be no collateral in this dimension. In the end, the former emerged the victor. However, Aldebaran threatened that if he dies, all of the power responsible for all of the incursions would be released, risking not only the world's annihilation, but the cosmos' as well. Always one to think of the impossible, Malphogor resorted to siphoning all of the power and having it imprisoned inside of his own body, leaving Aldebaran's corpse adrift in the void. Once the battle had concluded, Malphogor was expelled from the void and spat back out into his reality, and the sphere vanished right after. That marked the very end of the incursions.However, all of this was of Aldebaran's design too. Having observed him for a long time, he knew Malphogor was one to make noble sacrifices, and by stating that the destructive power would be let loose, he knew Malphogor would resort to extreme measures and hence using his own body to imprison said power. But by doing so allows Aldebaran to usurp control of Malphogor's body, though it will be exploited at a later date.Another reason why Aldebaran chose this course of action is because within his own body resides Primal Creation and the four Paths, and should anything happen to him, it would endanger their survival, and so he sought to use another's body to act on his objective; bringing the Encroaching Darkness away from his own reality and into this one.

Years had passed since the incursions, and the battle that put an end to it all. Malphogor had been living with the destructive power left behind by Aldebaran, and has been finding ways to eradicate it whilst it still resides within him. Each day does not pass with the sensation of the power gnawing at his soul and conscious, telling enough to believe that he cannot keep it inside him forever. However, the power began to grow, escalating it's side effects and rendering Malphogor with unbearable pain. And when it was too great to be endured, he was overwhelmed and eventually lost conscious, and hence began Aldebaran's seizing of a new body.However, unlike his original body, Aldebaran could only convert a measly amount of energy from Malphogor's body into Ather, and he requires a veritable amount to succeed in his task. And so he employed the method of the destruction of matter, and converting the residue energy into Ather.Once again, the world fell into ruin, incursions worse than the previous ones plagued the planet, devastation manifesting in a myriad of forms; monsters, disasters, famine, diseases, any medium capable of destruction was unleashed upon mankind. Aldebaran's plan was to convert the planet's bountiful energy into Ather, and use it to open a gateway into his own reality, and have the Wyrm whom had been keeping vigil behind the Ather Wall, lead the Encroaching Darkness through the gateway. By doing so, the Wayward Lords and their familiars will be awakened from their stasis and slumber for they would no longer need to maintain the Ather Wall to hold back the Encroaching Darkness.Aldebaran would finally be reunited with his peers and returned to the perfect world of Primal Creation.Before when Aldebaran had yet to usurp control over Malphogor, the planet had time to recuperate from the previous incursions, and after such a devastating calamity, governments of different countries were adamant on forging stronger bonds with each other to ensure the unity of humanity should another calamity happen once again. As for the Fangs Of Eden, they officially became the vanguards of their planet, a neutral organization who does not delve into the politics of other countries, as their only interest is to ensure mankind's and the planet's welfare. Even better, more abnormal individuals began revealing themselves and volunteering to join the organization.So it falls to them during the present day to fight against Aldebaran's calamity, and with experienced veterans of the first incursions, they were better equipped to face the dangers that awaited them. The struggle lasted for a few days, no rest was spared from Aldebaran's insistence, and yet everyone fought valiantly, until they were driven into a corner. The whole planet was set ablaze, waves of chaos sweeping the globe of it's populations, mankind was left with nowhere to run. From the beginning they knew their efforts were futile, but they refused to go quietly.

Aldebaran had succeeded in trampling the planet's defenses, and while all the remaining battle-weary warriors could only watch helplessly, he began to siphon the planet of her energy, converting them into Ather as he filled himself to the very brim. Once the Ather in him had reached the sufficient levels, Aldebaran wasted no time and pried open the gateway to his reality, and the roar of the Wyrm was heard when it happened. But as soon as the gateway was opened, he began experiencing visions, causing himself to falter for a moment.In that vision, he saw that he was returned to his original body, and that he was in the same black void where he fought Malphogor. But this time, he was visited by the shade of Antares, the Wayward Lord of the West.

Aldebaran was shocked, immediately stripped of his impetus of his objective of sacrificing another world for his own. Emotions thought lost began resurfacing in his anguished heart, for so long he had been warped with self-hate and vengeance that he had forgotten the bliss of serving alongside the Wayward Lords, no, his friends.But a remainder of his anguish still remained, so he persisted that if she had come to stop him, it's not going to work, and that he was going to do anything to save them. But as soon as Antares reached out to caress his cheek, tears began streaming down from Aldebaran's cheeks. She had been silent all this time, but he could tell all the meaning behind her eyes she means to convey. He retorted that by doing this they will no longer be in slumber, and that the Encroaching Darkness would be no more, and they could return to the paradise of Primal Creation. But instead Antares shook her head and smiled reassuringly, an act that caused him to feel his heart bursting from his chest as he placed his hand on hers.He found himself unable to speak further, and so he managed a whispered; 'Why?', as to question their willingness to accept their fate so easily, to which she answered that if there was a way to liberate themselves of their unfortunate predicament, she would implore for it, but never at the cost of another world. She asked him if he remembered what The Wayward Lords stood for, and he recalled that they are the emissaries of life, ones who will lead each Path to their greatest glory, and for the better of the world of Primal Creation. She then proceeded to expand on it, saying that they may live to make their Paths and world a better place, they were still emissaries of life, be it of their world, or of the another, and it falls upon them that all life are to be preserved and out of harms way.Antares' words left Aldebaran speechless, but no words were needed to indicate that the blazing vengeance in him had been quelled. He asks if the rest thought the same, and she reassures him so. Upon hearing the wishes of his friends, Aldebaran could not help but to begin weeping, knowing that this ultimately seals their fates, and he will never see them again.Amongst the Wayward Lords, Aldebaran was exceptionally empathic amongst their benevolence, and very emotionally-inclined. Hence his path down vengeance, led astray by his desperation to save his friends. But he regained his composure, taking a deep breath as he lifted his chin to look at Antares' face one last time. He ensures her that he will honor their wishes, and she nods in approval. She then begins to fade, her being ebbing away, and with her departure she left him with words;'Stand tall, my friend... and may the darkness inside you, find light again.'The vision ceased as he opened his eyes, still possessing Malphogor's body, and the gateway was still open. His gaze then settles upon the burning planet, and began reflecting on Antares' words. With a change of heart, he redirects the usage of Ather and begins healing the planet, and returning the lives lost to him.In the end, Aldebaran had spent all the energy in Malphogor's body as it began to disintegrate slowly. But, both of their souls remain, though the former was at the risk of vanishing due to being unable to exist without a body unlike Aldebaran. And so he resorted to fusing their souls, returning themselves into Aldebaran's original body that was still adrift in the void. But before the gateway closed, the Wyrm emerged from it, reuniting himself with Aldebaran.And that ends Aldebaran's misguided quest to save his friends, having at last received their peace.

Now, he does not go by either Aldebaran or Malphogor, but as the Wyrmsinger. Since he appears physically in Aldebaran's body, his race remains as a Royal Star. But to those who knew either of both in the past, he would still feel none the stranger towards them, save for some overlapping qualities.With Primal Creation and the Paths still inside of him, he wanders from reality to reality, world to world, continuum to continuum, without any purpose or whatsoever.And so continues his story, as Wyrmsinger.